Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Bull Shark

Why decided to blog about the bull shark? Bull sharks are the most dangerous sharks to humans. Majority of shark attacking humans can be thanks to the bull shark. Bull sharks are very, very, dangerous. Bull sharks are responsible for sixty-nine unprovoked shark attacks, which seven-teen ended fatally. Bull sharks get their name from their snout. Bull sharks snouts are wider than their body's are. A interesting fact is that female bull sharks actually get bigger than the males. Bull sharks also hold the pleasure of having many rows of teeth, which make ripping a victim to shreds much easier. Bull sharks are also known for being a living, no, swimming trash cans. Bull sharks will eat almost anything from turtles to other sharks. The problem with bull sharks is that they swim close to shore, and live in fresh water. Bull sharks have been found 1,750 miles up the Mississippi river. Bull sharks are also a pale or dark color of grey or black, which makes them very hard to see. Bull sharks have also been targeted in southeastern U.S.A and South Africa. Bull sharks may be feared by humans, but they are essential to a healthy Eco system.

1 comment:

  1. Love the picture . . . adds a lot. Nice job with linking, too. Watch fragments.
