Monday, May 10, 2010

The GREAT White.

What is one of the most well known sharks? Say hello to the great white. These are truly massive beasts. Sharks have dated all the way back 350 million years ago. Great white sharks can be found in warmer waters, most commonly spotted in Australia and California. The famous jumping white sharks are found off the coast of Africa, where they attack their prey from the bottom and in result fly out of the air. Great white sharks love to eat seals and sometimes even small toothed whales, which is why so many surfers are mistaken for a seal. Great white sharks hold the title of being the largest predatory marine animal. Great whites are between 12-16 feet long and can grow up to 19-21 feet. Great whites are so feared that the are often misunderstood. More people are killed by dogs in the U.S than great whites, also you are more likely to get stung by a bee than attacked by a shark. Theses great aquatic animals are taking heavy losses. It is very clear that numbers have decreased over the years, and these animals have been placed under the endangered species list in California. While these animals may ignite fear, we must be careful of ridding the world of these great animals.

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