What should you do if you ever encounter a shark? I can tell you right now, don't freak out! Sharks are very unique creatures, trained to look for different signs when finding prey. Sharks have been around for millions of years dating back to the dinosaur age. They have had a VERY long time to adapt and become one of the greatest hunting machines alive. Here are some things you should know when swimming in the ocean. Sharks hunt around early morning, or sunrise, and late at night, sunset. Just because it is dark and you cant see anything, don't assume that you are safe. Sharks have excellent eye sight, and as a added bonus they have color eyesight. One major thing is sharks can see very well in murky water. Sharks are not like regular animals. They do not always rely on their eyes. Sharks have other incredible senses. Sharks use sounds to find their next pray. They listen for the sound of splashing, which to them, sounds like a helpless fish or turtle. Sharks also can hear low pitched sounds far better than humans can. Studies suggest that sharks can hear these low pitched sounds from miles away, which help them track down their prey.
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