What other senses do sharks hold? Sharks also have a great power to sense electricity from an animal or fish. Sharks have a jelly filled substance in their heads called, ampullae of Lorenzini which allows them to sense the small amount of electricity in every living animal. It can detect one drop of blood in a million drops of water (25 gallons or 100 liters) and can smell blood 0.25 mile (0.4 km) away. If you have a spot that is bleeding, it would be best to stay out of the water. Sharks are also more likely to attack a single prey, then to attack a group. Staying in groups can really help reduce your chances. Another place people mistake to be "shark free" is sandbars. Sand bars are shallow, but that does not mean you wont run into a shark. Sandbars are in the middle of deeper water, which can be dangerous. Your vision is limited and most times you wont be able to see what is underneath you. One major mistake or assumption is sharks bite you because they know you will be a tasty treat. Wrong. Sharks don't know what everything tastes like. Sharks, just like humans, taste things to see what they taste like. Sharks will reject anything outside of their ordinary diet. Check out this great sight that shows all of sharks finely tuned senses.
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