Since when do tigers swim? Tiger sharks are a very intimidating shark. Tiger sharks get their name from the vertical strips found on their body's. Tiger shark rank up at the top with feared sharks, sitting next to the great white. Tigers have earned the name as man eaters, and swimming trash cans. Tiger sharks are different from other sharks because they have a near completely discerning palate and are not likely to swim away after attacking a human. Tiger sharks have very strong jaws and very sharp teeth that help crack turtle shells and clam shells. One tiger is famed for having a car tire inside its belly. Tigers will eat anything. Tigers are found in tropical waters and sub-tropical waters all across the globe. Large Tigers can grow to 20-25 feet and way more than 1900 pounds. These sharks are hunted for their fins, teeth, skin, and liver. Their liver contains high levels of vitamin A, which is produced into vitamin oil. Tiger sharks also unfortunately have a low reproduction rate, which makes shark fishing all the more dangerous for tigers. We really need to help preserve these dominate sharks, as well as all other sharks.